The 12 Commandments by Ed Sanders

The 12 Commandments
for the FBI, the CIA, and the Service Intelligence Agencies
to the memory of senator Frank Church

1. Thou shalt not kill our leaders

2. Thou shalt not break into our homes

3. Thou shalt not intercede against our meetings

4. Thou shalt not use poisons, germs, or toxins

S. Thou shalt not bug our offices and bedrooms

6. Thou shalt not break open our mail

7. Thou shalt not surveill us while we journey

8. Thou shalt not write false reports about us

9. Thou shalt not send provocateurs among us

10. Thou shalt not use drugs and hypnosis

ll. Thou shalt not send spores of death among us

12. Thou shalt not use robo-wash, behavior modification,

or desensitizatin procedures
to wire up thine agents

Nor shalt ’ou hire
anybody else to do it for ‘ee

written in a time of
Genuine Reform

Ed Sanders

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