Flip-outs for Children by James Semark

from: Flip-outs for Children


Jack & Jill



climbed the hill


to fetch a pail of water


& at the top they


found each other. 

Jack said:

“hey hey little girl



you’ve got a white dress



& a white light

in your eyes!”

Jill said:

“hey hey little boy



you’ve got a white suit



& a white light

in your eyes!”



so they found each other


& left the pail of water behind. 


they started climbing to heaven


& left the pail of water behind. 


they kept climbing to heaven


all their lives 

& never stopped.


Jack & Jill again

they walked up to heaven

& walked & walked

& as they walked,

little Joey came by

– he had a dirty face –

he said:

“hey Jack!

how do you get

that white light in your head?”

& he said:

“hey Jill!

how do you get

that white light in your head?”

Jack said:

“you just turn it on.”

& Jill said:

“you just turn it on.”


Around the world



wouldn’t you like


to go around the world


& see: 



                    the pyramids of Mexico


                    the Oracle of Delphi


                    the ruins at Stonehenge


                    the temple at Benares


                    the Zazen Temple


                              at San Fransisco


                    the Lamas of tibet


                              riding the wind? 

wouldn’t you like

to ride the wind

like a

Tibetan Lama

& see the world?

wouldn’t you like

to ride the wind?

well why not?

why not ride the wind?

try it.

just let yourself go

& try it.

                   go ahead.

try it.

just let go.


Source: James Semark, WORK/ 1 1965

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